
Frequently asked questions

Q: What happens if I don't get an average of 70% on my quizzes?

A: If your average mark on the ten quizzes is below the 70% passing mark, you will be given a second chance at passing. You will be given access to a final exam consisting of all the quiz questions. If you receive 70% or greater on the final exam, you will pass the course! If you do not receive as passing grade, you will be given the option to repeat the exam for a $20 fee. You can repeat the exam as many times as you like, but only the first attempt is free.

Q: I just finished the course and it says that I passed. How did that happen?

A: As you complete the Quizzes at the end of each Chapter, your mark is stored in the system. When you've completed all ten quizzes, the system will average the marks you received on each quiz. A passing grade is 70% or higher.

Q: What happens if I only want to do a couple of lessons right now? Is my progress saved?

A: Yes. Your progress through the course will be saved by lesson completed. Once you re-enter the course you will be returned to the last incomplete lesson.

Q: Can I jump around in the course?

A: Yes. You can complete the chapters in whatever order you like. You can even jump right to the quiz, if you're feeling particularly smart.

Q: Is there a course guide I can refer to?

A: Yes. There is a PDF course manual that contains all the course content. Please note the course guide is copyrighted material and shall not be distributed or reprinted without written permission from Moosehead Breweries.

Q: Whom can I contact if I have a question?

A: Please email us at [email protected]